Saturday 26 April 2008

The restoration of Our Lady

Thanks to today's Moment with Mary bulletin, I found out that today is the date when in 1866 Blessed Pope Pius IX gave the image of Our Lady of Perpetual Succour (this title has been changed to Our Lady of Perpetual Help-much to the annoyance of my friend Oliver) to the Redemptorists.  The church of Saint Matthew which had housed the icon had been destroyed by troops during the Napoleonic invasion, but the image of Our Lady was saved by a good soul.  Pio Nono exhorted the Redemptorist Fathers (who had built the church of St Alphonsus on the site where St Matthew's had been) to "Make her known!  Make her loved!  She will save the world".

This makes me wonder how we can harness devotion to Our Lady as a means to evangelisation.  A number of converts to Catholicism have rightly owed their decision to enter the Church to the intercession of Our Lady, one of whom is St Alphonsus Ratisbonne.

Our Lady of Perpetual Succour, pray for the salvation of the world.

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